Right to life (a blessing or a nuisance)

Right to life (a blessing or a nuisance)


Article 21 “ protection of life and personal  liberty. No person shall be  deprived of his life or personal  liberty  except according to  procedure established  by  law.”

This actually shows that article 21 focuses on the protection  of life and also personal liberty. The following  discussion  is going to include if right to life is a nuisance or a blessing.

Article 21 because of the word person uses it applies to both citizens and also non citizens of India. Right to life includes one’s  right to shelter, right to acquire free education for the pupils of 6 years up to 14 years of age ,right  to  privacy , right to die and also right to a clean environment, right to medical care.

Right to free education up to 14 years

Article 21 by providing free education to people up to the age of 14 has decreased the rate of illiteracy  in India this is therefore a blessing.

Right to shelter and clean environment

Secondly right to shelter and clean environment   is a blessing as this saves the health of the people the well being of the people is catered for through this article.

In the case of Chameli Singh vs State Of U.P the supreme court held that “Right to shelter when used as an essential requisite to the right to live, should be deemed to have been guaranteed as a fundamental right.”

Right to die

There are certain restrictions  which are stated of the right to die which is the will of someone to end there life due to the illness of a person this is most probably  for those in the ICU however the youth of these days decided to end their lives due to their own personal issues like love life and also uneasiness  of not being able to fit in society.

Right to medical  care

Moving on there is also right to medical care this right states that no person on the basis of their gender are to be deprived of attaining medication or the doctor’s.

Right to reputation

By reputation this means the legacy of the dignity of someone. This must not be violated due to the right to speech and freedom of expression.

Right to personal  liberty

More to that there is the right to personal liberty the right to liberty is were one is able to exercise their will and also take note of the restrictions  which  will be put by the law it self. Personal liberty also includes the right to reputation as in the case of Maneka Gandhi vs Union of India the supreme  court  states that

Maneka Ghandhi vs Union of India

facts of the case

The petitioner had issued her passport  on the first of July 1976 as per passport act of 1976 and 2nd of july 1977 the regional  passport of Delhi gave an order that she is supposed to surrender her passport without a reason for doing so.Due to this the petitioner  approached  the supreme court claiming that her right to liberty  had been taken from her.

In this case the court gave a judgement  that  the  right to live is not merely a physical right but includes the ambit of the right to live with human dignity, hence human dignity is part of the right to reputation.

Analysis /judgement

Right  to life is to a larger extent  a blessing because of the privileges which come with it which include one’s  right to shelter, right to acquire free education for the pupils of 6 years up to 14 years of age ,right  to  privacy , and also right to a clean environment, right to medical care. To a lesser extent there is the right to die which as resulted in many suicidal cases in India  as one feels they are able to take their life whenever they feel it is necessary to  them. Lastly right to life in article 21 has a closer link to article 19 which gives right to freedom of speech an expression.

Author: Phusewa Mihlotie,
Lovely Proffessional University

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